K1 movie channel

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Št - 07-21
07:00 Cashback
10:05 Beauty and the Beast
11:40 Bound by Lies
14:30 Lucky Luke and the Daltons
17:25 Beauty and the Beast
22:00 Lucky Luke and the Daltons
05:00 Personal Effects
Se - 07-22
08:15 Beauty and the Beast
12:50 Lucky Luke and the Daltons
14:20 Personal Effects
16:10 Beauty and the Beast
19:25 Hey Good Looking!
20:55 Lucky Luke and the Daltons
22:25 Personal Effects
04:15 The Game of Their Lives
Pr - 07-23
06:00 Beauty and the Beast
07:35 The Art of Travel
09:15 Hey Good Looking!
10:45 Lucky Luke and the Daltons
12:15 Personal Effects
14:05 The Game of Their Lives
15:50 The Art of Travel
17:30 Hey Good Looking!
19:00 Locked Out
20:30 Personal Effects
22:20 The Game of Their Lives
04:25 Cashback
An - 07-24
06:05 The Art of Travel
07:45 Hey Good Looking!
09:15 Locked Out
10:45 Personal Effects
12:35 The Game of Their Lives
14:20 Cashback
16:00 Hey Good Looking!
17:30 Locked Out
20:40 The Game of Their Lives
22:25 Cashback
04:55 The Art of Love