00:30 Freestyle Skiing: World Cup
01:30 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
02:30 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
04:00 Powerlifting: World Championships
06:00 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
08:00 Powerlifting: World Championships
09:30 Equestrian: Global Champions Tour
Special show focusing on the greatest horse racing events including Royal Ascot, American Triple Crown and prix de l'Arc de Triomphe to name but a few.
10:30 Equestrian: Global Champions Tour
Special show focusing on the greatest horse racing events including Royal Ascot, American Triple Crown and prix de l'Arc de Triomphe to name but a few.
11:30 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
13:30 Cycling Track: Champions League
15:00 World Cup | Highlights
15:30 World Cup | Highlights
16:15 World Cup | Highlights
17:00 Curling: European Championship
20:00 :
20:05 :
20:10 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
21:55 :
22:00 UCI Track Champions League
23:00 :
23:05 World Cup | Highlights
23:45 World Cup | Highlights
00:00 Equestrian: Global Champions Tour
Special show focusing on the greatest horse racing events including Royal Ascot, American Triple Crown and prix de l'Arc de Triomphe to name but a few.
01:00 World Cup | Highlights
01:45 World Cup | Highlights
02:30 Powerlifting: World Championships
04:00 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
05:30 Powerlifting: World Championships
07:30 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
09:30 :
09:35 Cycling Track: Champions League
11:30 World Cup | Highlights
12:15 World Cup | Highlights
12:45 World Cup | Highlights
13:30 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
15:00 Curling: European Championship
18:00 World Cup | Highlights
18:30 World Cup | Highlights
19:00 UCI Track Champions League
20:00 :
20:05 Powerlifting: World Championships
21:30 Spirit of Yachting
22:00 Behind the scenes
23:00 :
23:05 Equestrian: Global Champions Tour
Special show focusing on the greatest horse racing events including Royal Ascot, American Triple Crown and prix de l'Arc de Triomphe to name but a few.
00:15 From the top
00:45 Discovery Golf
01:10 :
01:15 Freestyle Skiing
02:30 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
04:00 World Cup | Highlights
04:45 World Cup | Highlights
05:30 Cycling Track: Champions League
07:30 Powerlifting: World Championships
09:30 Yachting
10:00 World Cup | Highlights
10:30 World Cup | Highlights
11:15 World Cup | Highlights
11:45 World Cup | Highlights
14:00 Electric Touring Car Racing: World Cup
15:00 Behind the scenes
16:00 World Cup | Highlights
16:45 World Cup | Highlights
19:30 The Power of Sport
19:55 :
20:00 Curling: European Championship
23:15 Olympic stories
23:45 From the top
00:00 :
00:05 Sports Spotlight
01:00 Snooker: UK Championship in ,
02:30 World Cup | Highlights
03:15 World Cup | Highlights
04:00 Cycling Track: Champions League
05:30 World Cup | Highlights
06:15 World Cup | Highlights
06:45 World Cup | Highlights
07:30 Cycling Track: Champions League
09:30 Discovery Golf
10:00 World Cup | Highlights
11:00 World Cup | Highlights
12:00 World Cup | Highlights
12:30 World Cup | Highlights
13:00 Curling: European Championship
16:00 World Cup | Highlights
17:00 Curling: European Championship
20:00 World Cup | Highlights
20:30 World Cup | Highlights
20:55 :
21:00 Curling: European Championship
00:30 Nordic Combined: World Cup
01:15 Nordic Combined: World Cup
01:30 World Cup | Highlights
02:30 Cycling Track: Champions League
04:00 Powerlifting: World Championships
05:30 Snooker: UK Championship in ,