DW English

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Št - 01-11
00:00 News
00:02 Bohemian Switzerland by Rail
00:30 Lifestyle Europe
01:00 News
01:15 Time to shine: Karate to make its debut at the 2020 Olympics
01:30 The Allgäu region in wintertime
02:00 News
02:02 News in Review
02:30 The Global Auto and Mobility Show
03:00 News
03:15 Africa
03:30 The Allgäu region in wintertime
04:00 News
04:02 News
04:15 The BND File - German Shipping Companies and the Arms Trade
05:00 News
05:15 News
05:30 The Science Magazine
06:00 News
06:02 Kim Thúy: The Voice of the Others
06:30 Lifestyle Europe
07:00 News
07:15 The Week in Reports
07:30 The Magazine for Africa's Youth
08:00 News
08:15 Living in the Digital Age
08:30 The Global Auto and Mobility Show
09:00 News
09:15 News
09:30 The Allgäu region in wintertime
10:00 News
10:15 Rota n' Roll
11:00 News
11:15 Time to shine: Karate to make its debut at the 2020 Olympics
11:30 Lifestyle Europe
12:00 News
12:15 Living in the Digital Age
12:30 The Allgäu region in wintertime
13:00 News
13:15 The Behrendts and their child
13:30 Kim Thúy: The Voice of the Others
14:00 News
14:15 The Truth about Lying
15:00 News
15:30 Lifestyle Europe
16:00 News
16:30 The Magazine for Africa's Youth
17:00 News
17:15 Africa Rising, Part 2
18:00 News
18:15 Time to shine: Karate to make its debut at the 2020 Olympics
18:30 Guest: Ibrahim Kalin
19:00 News
19:15 Living in the Digital Age
19:30 The Magazine for Africa's Youth
20:00 News
20:15 The Behrendts and their child
20:30 The Science Magazine
21:00 News
21:15 Farming Policies for Sale? - How Industry and the Agricultural Lobbies Call the Shots
22:00 News
22:15 The Week in Reports
22:30 Kim Thúy: The Voice of the Others
23:00 News
23:15 Living in the Digital Age
23:30 The Environment Magazine
Se - 01-12
00:00 News
00:02 The Allgäu region in wintertime
00:30 Kim Thúy: The Voice of the Others
01:00 News
01:15 The Week in Reports
01:30 The Global Auto and Mobility Show
02:00 News
02:02 The Science Magazine
02:30 Bohemian Switzerland by Rail
03:00 News
03:15 Time to shine: Karate to make its debut at the 2020 Olympics
03:30 Lifestyle Europe
04:00 News
04:02 The Week in Reports
04:15 Farming Policies for Sale? - How Industry and the Agricultural Lobbies Call the Shots
05:00 News
05:15 The Behrendts and their child
05:30 The Global Auto and Mobility Show
06:00 News
06:02 Loneliness
06:30 The Allgäu region in wintertime
07:00 News
07:15 Time to shine: Karate to make its debut at the 2020 Olympics
07:30 Bohemian Switzerland by Rail
08:00 News
08:15 The Behrendts and their child
08:30 Lifestyle Europe
09:00 News
09:15 The Week in Reports
09:30 Kim Thúy: The Voice of the Others
10:00 News
10:15 The BND File - German Shipping Companies and the Arms Trade
11:00 News
11:15 Living in the Digital Age
11:30 The Magazine for Africa's Youth
12:00 News
12:15 The Behrendts and their child
12:30 The Global Auto and Mobility Show
13:00 News
13:15 The Week in Reports
13:30 The Magazine for Africa's Youth
14:00 News
14:15 Rota n' Roll
15:00 News
15:15 Time to shine: Karate to make its debut at the 2020 Olympics
15:30 Kim Thúy: The Voice of the Others
16:00 News
16:15 Living in the Digital Age
16:30 Bohemian Switzerland by Rail
17:00 News
17:15 The Truth about Lying
18:00 News
18:15 The Behrendts and their child
18:30 The Environment Magazine
19:00 News
19:15 The Week in Reports
19:30 Lifestyle Europe
20:00 News
20:15 Living in the Digital Age
20:30 The Global Auto and Mobility Show
21:00 News
21:15 Africa Rising, Part 2
22:00 News
22:15 Time to shine: Karate to make its debut at the 2020 Olympics
22:30 Bohemian Switzerland by Rail
23:00 News
23:15 The Behrendts and their child
23:30 The Science Magazine
00:00 News
00:02 News in Review
00:30 Spain’s Water Problem - How Illegal Wells are Sucking the Country Dry
01:00 News
01:15 Africa
01:30 News
01:45 News
02:00 News
02:02 Lifestyle Europe
02:30 The Globalization Program
03:00 News
03:15 Battle of Social Networks
04:00 News
04:02 The Environment Magazine
04:30 Loneliness
05:00 News
05:15 The Week in Reports
05:30 The Globalization Program
Pr - 01-13
06:00 News
06:02 Bohemian Switzerland by Rail
06:30 The Science Magazine
07:00 News
07:15 Battle of Social Networks
08:00 News
08:30 Living in the Digital Age
08:45 The Behrendts and their child
09:00 News
09:30 The Science Magazine
10:00 News
10:30 News
10:45 The Behrendts and their child
11:00 News
11:15 Africa Rising, Part 2
12:00 News
12:30 News
12:45 The Week in Reports
13:00 News
13:30 The Globalization Program
14:00 News
14:30 The Environment Magazine
15:00 News
15:30 Asia
15:45 Asia
16:00 News
16:30 Asia
16:45 Asia
17:00 News
17:30 The Science Magazine
18:00 News
18:30 Asia
18:45 Asia
19:00 News
19:15 Africa
19:30 Africa
19:45 News
20:00 News
20:15 Africa
20:30 Africa
20:45 News
21:00 News
21:30 Spain’s Water Problem - How Illegal Wells are Sucking the Country Dry
22:00 News
22:30 News in Review
23:00 News
23:15 News
23:30 Africa
23:45 News
00:00 News
00:02 News in Review
00:30 The Globalization Program
01:00 News
01:15 Africa
01:30 News
01:45 News
02:00 News
02:02 News in Review
02:30 Midseason Review - Part 2
03:00 News
03:15 It's in our Genes - How much do we Want to Know about Ourselves?
04:00 News
04:02 News in Review
04:30 Midseason Review - Part 2
05:00 News
05:15 News
05:30 Spain’s Water Problem - How Illegal Wells are Sucking the Country Dry
An - 01-14
06:00 News
06:02 News in Review
06:30 The Environment Magazine
07:00 News
07:15 It's in our Genes - How much do we Want to Know about Ourselves?
08:00 News
08:30 News
08:45 News
09:00 News
09:30 Midseason Review - Part 2
10:00 News
10:30 Spain’s Water Problem - How Illegal Wells are Sucking the Country Dry
11:00 News
11:15 Battle of Social Networks
12:00 News
12:30 News
12:45 News
13:00 News
13:30 Midseason Review - Part 2
14:00 News
14:30 Spain’s Water Problem - How Illegal Wells are Sucking the Country Dry
15:00 News
15:30 Asia
15:45 Asia
16:00 News
16:30 Asia
16:45 Asia
17:00 News
17:30 Midseason Review - Part 2
18:00 News
18:30 Asia
18:45 Asia
19:00 News
19:15 Africa
19:30 Africa
19:45 News
20:00 News
20:15 Africa
20:30 Africa
20:45 News
21:00 News
21:30 Midseason Review - Part 2
22:00 News
22:30 News in Review
23:00 News
23:15 News
23:30 Africa
23:45 News
00:00 News
00:02 News in Review
00:30 Spotlight on People
01:00 News
01:15 Africa
01:30 News
01:45 News
02:00 News
02:02 News in Review
02:30 Talents, gifts and intelligence
03:00 News
03:15 Displaced: Oil and Ruin - The Venezuelan Exodus
04:00 News
04:02 News in Review
04:30 The Globalization Program
05:00 News
05:15 News
05:30 The Environment Magazine