DW English

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Št - 10-06
06:00 News
06:02 News in Review
06:30 The Globalization Program
07:00 News
07:02 News
07:15 When Paul Came over the Sea
08:00 News
08:02 The Travel Guide
08:30 The Environment Magazine
09:00 News
09:02 On Location
09:15 I Want It - Women in Top Management
10:00 News
10:15 With Alondra de la Parra
10:30 Spotlight on People
11:00 News
11:15 Van Morrison (Northern Ireland)
12:00 News
12:15 On Location
12:30 Lifestyle Europe
13:00 News
13:15 News
13:30 The Motor Magazine
14:00 News
14:15 On Location
14:30 The Globalization Program
15:00 News
15:15 News
15:30 Lifestyle Europe
16:00 News
16:15 The Week in Reports
16:30 The Environment Magazine
17:00 News
17:15 Saskya (Germany)
18:00 News
18:15 On Location
18:30 The German Music Magazine
19:00 News
19:15 News
19:30 The Health Show
20:00 News
20:15 The Warning - How US and Russian Secret Services Collaborated on Climate Change
21:00 News
21:15 The Restless Virtuoso - On the Road with Star Pianist Yuja Wang
22:00 News
22:15 On Location
22:30 The Environment Magazine
23:00 News
23:15 Your Team, your League, your Show.
23:30 The Cultural Magazine
00:00 News
00:02 News in Review
00:30 Lifestyle Europe
01:00 News
01:02 News
01:15 Living in the Digital Age
01:30 The Bundesliga Highlights
02:00 News
02:15 Your Team, your League, your Show.
02:30 The Health Show
03:00 News
03:02 On Location
03:15 Archeology 2.0 - Exploring the Past with Modern Technology
04:00 News
04:02 Your Team, your League, your Show.
04:15 With Alondra de la Parra
04:30 The Travel Guide
05:00 News
05:02 News
05:15 1968 - The Global Revolt, Part 4: World Wars
Se - 10-07
06:00 News
06:02 Background and Analysis
06:15 Your Team, your League, your Show.
06:30 Spotlight on People
07:00 News
07:02 News
07:15 Saskya (Germany)
08:00 News
08:02 Priests in the Party District - Dominicans in Downtown Dusseldorf
08:30 Highlights of the Week
09:00 News
09:02 Background and Analysis
09:15 The Restless Virtuoso - On the Road with Star Pianist Yuja Wang
10:00 News
10:15 Your Team, your League, your Show.
10:30 The Cultural Magazine
11:00 News
11:15 The Gatekeepers of Europe - Outsourcing Border Controls to Africa
12:00 News
12:15 Background and Analysis
12:30 Highlights of the Week
13:00 News
13:15 Your Team, your League, your Show.
13:30 Priests in the Party District - Dominicans in Downtown Dusseldorf
14:00 News
14:15 Background and Analysis
14:30 The Health Show
15:00 News
15:15 Your Team, your League, your Show.
15:30 Highlights of the Week
16:00 News
16:15 A Game of No Rules - The Deceptive Promise of Free Trade
17:00 News
17:15 The Restless Virtuoso - On the Road with Star Pianist Yuja Wang
18:00 News
18:15 The Movie Magazine
18:30 Priests in the Party District - Dominicans in Downtown Dusseldorf
19:00 News
19:15 The Week in Reports
19:30 The Cultural Magazine
20:00 News
20:15 Rea Garvey (Germany & Ireland)
21:00 News
21:15 Archeology 2.0 - Exploring the Past with Modern Technology
22:00 News
22:15 Background and Analysis
22:30 Highlights of the Week
23:00 News
23:15 Your Team, your League, your Show.
23:30 The Science Magazine
00:00 News
00:02 News in Review
00:30 Lifestyle Europe
01:00 News
01:02 News
01:15 The Movie Magazine
01:30 The Motor Magazine
02:00 News
02:02 News in Review
02:30 Lifestyle Europe
03:00 News
03:02 News
03:15 The Current Affairs Documentary
03:45 Living in the Digital Age
04:00 News
04:02 News in Review
04:30 The Bundesliga Highlights
05:00 News
05:02 The Movie Magazine
05:15 I Want It - Women in Top Management
Pr - 10-08
06:00 News
06:02 On Location
06:15 Your Team, your League, your Show.
06:30 The Cultural Magazine
07:00 News
07:02 The Movie Magazine
07:15 The Restless Virtuoso - On the Road with Star Pianist Yuja Wang
08:00 News
08:30 Spotlight on People
09:00 News
09:30 Priests in the Party District - Dominicans in Downtown Dusseldorf
10:00 News
10:30 The Science Magazine
11:00 News
11:15 Lech Wałęsa - A Portrait
12:00 News
12:30 The Environment Magazine
13:00 News
13:15 News
13:30 The German Music Magazine
14:00 News
14:30 The Cultural Magazine
15:00 News
15:15 News
15:30 The Motor Magazine
16:00 News
17:00 News
17:15 Archeology 2.0 - Exploring the Past with Modern Technology
18:00 News
18:30 The Travel Guide
19:00 News
19:15 News
19:30 The Science Magazine
20:00 News
21:00 News
21:15 The Current Affairs Documentary
21:45 Living in the Digital Age
22:00 News
22:30 News in Review
23:00 News
23:15 On Location
23:30 The Globalization Program
00:00 News
00:02 News in Review
00:30 Lifestyle Europe
01:00 News
01:02 News
01:15 With Alondra de la Parra
01:30 Spotlight on People
02:00 News
02:02 News in Review
02:30 Lifestyle Europe
03:00 News
03:02 News
03:15 The Borneo Case - The Fight against Illegal Logging
04:00 News
04:02 News in Review
04:30 The Motor Magazine
05:00 News
05:02 News
05:15 A Game of No Rules - The Deceptive Promise of Free Trade
An - 10-09
06:00 News
06:02 News in Review
06:30 The Science Magazine
07:00 News
07:02 News
07:15 The Current Affairs Documentary
07:45 Living in the Digital Age
08:00 News
08:30 The Cultural Magazine
09:00 News
09:30 The Bundesliga Highlights
10:00 News
10:30 The Globalization Program
11:00 News
11:15 The Warning - How US and Russian Secret Services Collaborated on Climate Change
12:00 News
12:30 Lifestyle Europe
13:00 News
13:15 News
13:30 The Bundesliga Highlights
14:00 News
14:30 The Science Magazine
15:00 News
15:15 News
15:30 Lifestyle Europe
16:00 News
17:00 News
17:15 The Current Affairs Documentary
17:45 Living in the Digital Age
18:00 News
18:30 The Bundesliga Highlights
19:00 News
19:15 News
19:30 The Globalization Program
20:00 News
21:00 News
21:15 The Borneo Case - The Fight against Illegal Logging
22:00 News
22:30 News in Review
23:00 News
23:15 Spissky Hrad - A Fortress at the Crossroads of Cultures, Slovak Republic
23:30 Your Business Magazine
00:00 News
00:02 News in Review
00:30 Lifestyle Europe
01:00 News
01:02 News
01:15 Spissky Hrad - A Fortress at the Crossroads of Cultures, Slovak Republic
01:30 More than Football
02:00 News
02:02 News in Review
02:30 Lifestyle Europe
03:00 News
03:02 News
03:15 Georgia’s Dream - All Eyes on Europe
04:00 News
04:02 News in Review
04:30 Your Business Magazine
05:00 News
05:02 News
05:15 The Current Affairs Documentary
05:45 Living in the Digital Age