Discovery Science

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Kt - 12-06
06:12 Mythbusters: The Search 1/3s.
07:00 How Do They Do It? 12/18s.
07:26 Redesign My Brain 1/2s.
08:14 Space Voyages 1/3s.
09:02 Mega Builders 4/3s.
09:50 How Do They Do It? 9/8s.
10:14 Food Factory 2/14s.
10:38 Redesign My Brain 1/2s.
11:26 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/4s.
12:14 Space Voyages 1/3s.
13:02 Mythbusters: The Search 1/3s.
13:50 Mega Builders 4/3s.
14:38 How Do They Do It? 9/8s.
15:02 Food Factory 2/14s.
15:26 Redesign My Brain 1/2s.
16:14 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/4s.
17:02 Mega Builders 4/3s.
17:50 Mythbusters: The Search 1/4s.
18:40 How Do They Do It? 9/9s.
19:05 Food Factory 2/15s.
19:30 How It's Made 26/15s.
19:55 How It's Made 25/15s.
20:20 Space Voyages 1/4s.
21:10 Mega Builders 4/4s.
22:00 How It's Made 26/15s.
22:25 How It's Made 25/15s.
22:50 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/5s.
23:40 How Do They Do It? 9/9s.
00:05 Food Factory 2/15s.
00:30 Dark Matters: Twisted But True 2/4s.
01:20 Mythbusters: The Search 1/4s.
02:10 Mega Builders 4/4s.
03:00 How It's Made 26/15s.
03:24 How It's Made 25/15s.
03:48 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/5s.
04:36 Space Voyages 1/4s.
05:24 How Do They Do It? 9/9s.
05:48 Food Factory 2/15s.
Pn - 12-07
06:12 Mythbusters: The Search 1/4s.
07:00 How Do They Do It? 12/19s.
07:26 How It's Made 26/15s.
07:50 How It's Made 25/15s.
08:14 Space Voyages 1/4s.
09:02 Mega Builders 4/4s.
09:50 How Do They Do It? 9/9s.
10:14 Food Factory 2/15s.
10:38 How It's Made 26/15s.
11:02 How It's Made 25/15s.
11:26 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/5s.
12:14 Space Voyages 1/4s.
13:02 Mythbusters: The Search 1/4s.
13:50 Mega Builders 4/4s.
14:38 How Do They Do It? 9/9s.
15:02 Food Factory 2/15s.
15:26 How It's Made 26/15s.
15:50 How It's Made 25/15s.
16:14 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/5s.
17:02 Mega Builders 4/4s.
17:50 Mythbusters: The Search 1/5s.
18:40 How Do They Do It? 9/10s.
19:05 Food Factory 2/16s.
19:30 Incredible Engineering Blunders: Fixed 1/4s.
20:20 Bad Universe 1/1s.
21:10 Mega Builders 4/5s.
22:00 Incredible Engineering Blunders: Fixed 1/4s.
22:50 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/6s.
23:40 How Do They Do It? 9/10s.
00:05 Food Factory 2/16s.
00:30 Dark Matters: Twisted But True 2/5s.
01:20 Mythbusters: The Search 1/5s.
02:10 Mega Builders 4/5s.
03:00 Incredible Engineering Blunders: Fixed 1/4s.
03:48 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/6s.
04:36 Bad Universe 1/1s.
05:24 How Do They Do It? 9/10s.
05:48 Food Factory 2/16s.
Št - 12-08
06:12 Mythbusters: The Search 1/5s.
07:00 How Do They Do It? 12/20s.
07:26 Food Factory 2/12s.
07:50 Food Factory 2/13s.
08:14 Food Factory 2/14s.
08:38 Food Factory 2/15s.
09:02 Food Factory 2/16s.
09:26 How Do They Do It? 9/6s.
09:50 How Do They Do It? 9/7s.
10:14 How Do They Do It? 9/8s.
10:38 How Do They Do It? 9/9s.
11:02 How Do They Do It? 9/10s.
11:26 Mega Builders 4/1s.
12:14 Mega Builders 4/2s.
13:02 Mega Builders 4/3s.
13:50 Mega Builders 4/4s.
14:38 Mega Builders 4/5s.
15:26 Space Voyages 1/1s.
16:14 Space Voyages 1/2s.
17:02 Space Voyages 1/3s.
17:50 Space Voyages 1/4s.
18:40 Bad Universe 1/1s.
19:30 Trailblazers 1/6s.
20:20 Da Vinci's Machines 1/10s.
21:10 Redesign My Brain 1/2s.
22:00 How It's Made 26/15s.
22:25 How It's Made 25/15s.
22:50 Incredible Engineering Blunders: Fixed 1/4s.
23:40 Mythbusters: The Search 1/1s.
00:30 Mythbusters: The Search 1/2s.
01:20 Mythbusters: The Search 1/3s.
02:10 Mythbusters: The Search 1/4s.
03:00 Mythbusters: The Search 1/5s.
03:48 How Do They Do It? 9/6s.
04:12 How Do They Do It? 9/7s.
04:36 How Do They Do It? 9/8s.
05:00 Food Factory 2/12s.
05:24 Food Factory 2/13s.
05:48 Food Factory 2/14s.
Se - 12-09
06:12 Food Factory 2/15s.
06:36 Food Factory 2/16s.
07:00 How Do They Do It? 4/1s.
07:26 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/2s.
08:14 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/3s.
09:02 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/4s.
09:50 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/5s.
10:38 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1/6s.
11:26 Food Factory 2/12s.
11:50 Food Factory 2/13s.
12:14 Food Factory 2/14s.
12:38 Food Factory 2/15s.
13:02 Food Factory 2/16s.
13:26 How Do They Do It? 9/6s.
13:50 How Do They Do It? 9/7s.
14:14 How Do They Do It? 9/8s.
14:38 How Do They Do It? 9/9s.
15:02 How Do They Do It? 9/10s.
15:26 Mythbusters: The Search 1/1s.
16:14 Mythbusters: The Search 1/2s.
17:02 Mythbusters: The Search 1/3s.
17:50 Mythbusters: The Search 1/4s.
18:40 Mythbusters: The Search 1/5s.
19:30 Weird Connections 1/1s.
19:55 Weird Connections 1/2s.
20:20 Weird Connections 1/3s.
20:45 Weird Connections 1/4s.
21:10 Weird Connections 1/5s.
21:35 Weird Connections 1/6s.
22:00 You Have Been Warned 1/5s.
22:50 Mega Builders 4/1s.
23:40 Mega Builders 4/2s.
00:30 Mega Builders 4/3s.
01:20 Mega Builders 4/4s.
02:10 Mega Builders 4/5s.
03:00 Space Voyages 1/1s.
03:48 Space Voyages 1/2s.
04:36 Space Voyages 1/3s.
05:24 Space Voyages 1/4s.